7 cringeworthy things people do when it comes to skin (and you’re probably doing one)

7 cringeworthy things people do when it comes to skin (and you’re probably doing one)

Tis the season for giftcards to spas, makeup shops, skincare boutiques plus the seemingly everyday holiday party. Of course we want to look our best and perhaps try something new! Before you start your holiday glam and just in time for New Year's resolutions, check out these (totally normal) cringeworthy things you might be doing [...]

What I learned in one year of weight loss, and the one thing you’re likely forgetting

What I learned in one year of weight loss, and the one thing you’re likely forgetting

Ahhhh weight. Everyone's always talking about it. Losing it, gaining it, shredding it, blasting it...it goes on and on. A little over a year ago I decided to make a change. While I was never overweight, I was an unhealthy version of myself. I subscribed to Dave Matthew's Band's mantra of his song "Too Much." [...]